Kamis, 04 Juli 2019

Post the job offer directly on our beautiful designed Mycro app and we make sure you will be quickly connected with a community member who can help you out!
Do you want to make some fast and easy money?
Explore the Mycro app and find a job that suits you perfectly. Apply now and get the job done.
Simple as that.
We unleash the power of local communities by implementing our protocol to connect people. Through this game changing platform, we will open the door to become a worldwide number one marketplace for real time job matching.
  • Home services: Gardening, cleaning, tidying up, decluttering, small repairs, window cleaning, washing, ironing, cooking ...
  • Delivery services: Doing the shopping, driving services, transport services, delivery services ... Assistance Services
  • Virtual services: Internet researches, travel planning, assistence services, clerical work, online surveys ...
Skilled Services: Tutoring, photography, job models, piano lessons, setting up the computer, mounting the TV, DJing, waitressing, setting up an internet connection ...

How to use the Mycro Token (MYO)

1. Job shopping
Use Mycro Token (MYO) to achieve a better position in the job provider's dashboard. This allows you to determine the amount of your fee yourself. We call it job shopping.
2. Rewarding
Recruitment from the community reward pool for good ratings after successful jobs and building up the Mycro community-controlled by a smart contract.
3. Currency
It is planned that you can use Mycro Tokens (MYO) to pay for jobs - in a reliable and secure way using an escrow smart contract. (planned)

Simple jobs.Simple use.

Mycro‘s success is significantly based on intuitive usability. The needs of job providers and jobbers must be satisfied in a fast and uncomplicated way. This happens by matching the right job offer with the right job. Only then do both parties achieve their goals. A good work product for the job provider. A pleasant and lucrative job for the jobber.
  1. Fast and simple use: Our intelligent algorithms are able to match the right job with the right job very fast. Jobs can be posted for free anytime. Jobbers see jobs anytime.
  2. Trust: People who are strangers to each other have a problem of trust. We will solve this problem through decentralized rating and verification systems implemented by smart contracts on the blockchain.
  3. Security: The money is held by a decentralized escrow smart contract while the job is performed. Neither the job provider nor the jobber has access. The escrow contract will take care of the jobber's remuneration only if the job was successful.
  4. Low fees: It's our vision to convert Mycro into a completely decentralized application (DApp). By eliminating the intermediary, the fees up to 30% are charged by middlemen no longer have to be paid. Jobs can always be posted free of charge. Jobbers pay only 2% for using the Mycro dApp.


Mycro wants to solve a major problem of society. Through our peer-to-peer network for simple jobs, we give people back control of their time and money balance. During our ICO, a maximum of 100 million MYO will be created. The softcap will be reached at € 3.5 million.
  • Symbol: MYO
  • Softcap: 3,500,000 euros
  • Hardcap: € 14,000,000
  • Token supply: 100,000,000 MYO
  • Private sale: 26,000,000 MYO
  • Play sale: 40,000,000 MYO
  • Blockchain specs: ERC20 Token
  • Participation method: ETH *
  • ICO Start: Q4 / 2018

Funds distribution

All the important information about MICRO JOBS project can be found here:

Senin, 11 Maret 2019

Outlook Global Global Footwear Market 2018–2023 Altra Running, Boltt, Digitsole Teknologi Ducere Garmin, Dynastream

Laporan tentang pasar Smart Footwear global menawarkan data lengkap tentang pasar Smart Footwear. Elemen-elemen seperti pemain utama, klasifikasi, ukuran, lingkungan bisnis, analisis SWOT, dan tren paling efektif di pasar terkandung dalam laporan. Selain itu, laporan angka olahraga, tabel, dan grafik yang menawarkan sudut pandang yang jelas tentang pasar Smart Footwear. Pesaing teratas Altra Running, Boltt, Digitsole, Teknologi Ducere, Garmin, Dynastream, GTX Corp, Institut Teknologi KTH Royal, Milestone Sports, Orpyx, Perawatan Bayi Owlet, ReTiSense, Sensoria, Perawatan Siren, SolePower, Under Armor, Adisas, Nike pasar global Smart Footwear dibahas lebih lanjut dalam laporan ini.

Akses gratis ke halaman contoh laporan di: www.e-marketresearch.com/global-smart-footwear-market-2017-research-report-by.html#request-sample

Data terbaru telah disajikan dalam penelitian tentang jumlah pendapatan, detail produk, dan penjualan perusahaan besar. Selain itu, informasi ini juga terdiri dari perincian pendapatan untuk pasar Smart Footwear global selain mengklaim ramalan yang sama dalam perkiraan jangka waktu. Taktik bisnis strategis yang diterima oleh anggota pasar Smart Footwear yang terkenal juga telah diintegrasikan dalam laporan ini. Kelemahan dan kekuatan utama, selain mengklaim bahaya yang dihadapi oleh pesaing utama di pasar Smart Footwear, telah menjadi bagian kecil dari penelitian ini. Laporan ini juga memeriksa industri dalam hal pendapatan [Juta USD] dan volume [k MT].

Sorotan Kunci dari Pasar Alas Kaki Cerdas:

• Pemahaman yang jelas tentang pasar Smart Footwear mendukung pertumbuhan, kendala, peluang, studi kepraktisan.

• Studi Pasar Sepatu Cerdas Ringkas mendukung negara-bangsa besar.

• Analisis segmen pasar yang berkembang sebagai tambahan studi keseluruhan dari segmen pasar Smart Footwear yang ada.

Punya Pertanyaan Tanyakan Pakar di: www.e-marketresearch.com/global-smart-footwear-market-2017-research-report-by.html#inquiry-for-buying

Detail ICO
Simbol: BOLTT
Jenis: Utilitas
Protokol: Gelombang & Ethereum
Harga: 1 BOLTT = 0,00025 ETH
Hard Cap: 25.000 ETH
Total Pasokan: 170 Juta BOLTT
Pembayaran yang Diterima: BTC, ETH, USD, EUR
Penjualan Pribadi: 20 Mei 2018 - 10 Juni 2018
Pra Penjualan: Segera Hadir
Penjualan Umum: Segera Hadir

Laporan ini juga mengelompokkan pasar Smart Footwear global berdasarkan mode produk dan segmentasi Bluetooth Pedometer, Locating dan Anti-Lost, Health Heating. Studi ini mencakup ringkasan mendalam dari sektor-sektor utama dan segmen Olah Raga, Kebugaran, dan Kebugaran, Pemantauan di Rumah, Pemantauan Pasien Jarak Jauh, Perusahaan dari pasar Sepatu Cerdas. Baik sektor pasar yang tumbuh cepat dan lambat telah diperiksa melalui studi ini. Prakiraan, pangsa pasar, dan ukuran masing-masing segmen dan sub-segmen dapat diperoleh dalam penelitian ini. Peluang naik-dan-datang utama yang terkait dengan segmen pasar yang tumbuh paling cepat juga merupakan bagian dari laporan ini. Selain itu, klasifikasi berdasarkan geografi serta tren yang memperkuat pasar regional terkemuka dan geografi berkembang ditawarkan dalam studi penelitian ini. Wilayah utama yang dicakup dalam laporan ini adalah Amerika Utara, Eropa, Asia Pasifik, Amerika Latin, dan Timur Tengah dan Afrika.

Laporan tentang pasar Smart Footwear global juga menawarkan lembar fakta kronologis yang berkaitan dengan merger strategis, akuisisi, kegiatan usaha patungan, dan kemitraan yang tersebar luas di pasar Smart Footwear. Saran luar biasa dari para ahli senior tentang pengeluaran taktis dalam penelitian dan pengembangan dapat membantu pendatang baru dan juga perusahaan terkemuka untuk meningkatkan serangan di segmen pengembangan pasar Smart Footwear global. Pelaku pasar dapat mencapai persepsi yang jelas tentang saingan utama di pasar Sepatu Cerdas selain perkiraan masa depan mereka.

Situs web: https://bolttcoin.io
Whitepaper: https://bolttcoin.io/BolttCoinWhitePaper-V1.0.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/BolttCoin
Twitter: https: // twitter. com / bolttsports
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bolttsports


Kamis, 26 Juli 2018

To those who might have forgotten what the platform is about. eCoinomic.net starts off with the service of loans backed by crypto assets. You get real money on your account – 50 per cent of the market value of the collateral. The terms of a loan are from 1 to 30 days and prolongable. Loan amounts from $1 to $10,000 per contract. You can open as many contracts as you need.
The service is working, we start providing loans in Russia in test mode by the end of May. Within the first month, we will accept only ETH as collateral. Then we shall extend the outreach and the list of collateral types.Visit here https://ecoinomic.net/
eCoinomic.net founders have been working together in service, financial and fintech projects since 2001. The founders are linked through both business development interests and long-term proven
friendships. The projects implemented and goals achieved since 2001 have demonstrated that this team of like-minded people are devoted to hard work, creative thinking and targeted results. The core team of the project consists of professionals and experts with more than 10 years experience in Fintech Industry and software development. eCoinomic.net is a part of the Sauber Group consortium of companies working in services,financial and fintech industries :
Sauber Bank – Sauber Bank JSC was established in 1992 and reorganized from one of the oldest USSR banks.
Microfinance company “Dengi Budut!” – The microfinance company “Dengi Budut!” operates in Russian Federation since April 2011.
Leningradsky pawn shop network – The company has started its operations in August 2015.
Information and Communication Systems Ltd (“SIIS”) – Information and Communication Systems Ltd (“SIIS”) is a privately held company that was founded in May 2009.
What we do
eCoinomic.net provides a scalable solution for fiat lending to the cryptocurrency owners. During the first stage we create a lending platform that connects individual borrowers with institutional investors’ and family offices’ financial resources. During the later stages we add a variety of financial services including full-scale banking services.
What is eCoinomic.net ?
eCoinomic.net is a digital platform providing traditional financial services to cryptocurrency holders. Its premiere service is fiat loans backed by crypto collateral.
eCoinomic.net platform aims to fix two major issues of the cryptomarket:
Limited liquidity of the cryptocurrencies. eCoinomic.net brings family offices / institutional investors and attracts significant amounts of fiat money into the cryptomarket that are necessary for the creation of full-scale credit products. Makes fiat loans more accessible for crypto-owners by allowing them to use crypto-actives as a collateral.
eCoinomic provides its users with financial management services of the digital assets
Lending – Secured and unsecured loans based on fiat money and cryptocurrencies.
Investing – Long-term and short-term investments in cryptocurrencies and fiat money.
Hedging – Mechanism of hedging the exchange rate risks for crypto assets.
Crypto exchange – Including the function of managing collateral assets.
Crypto payments – Payment agent with virtual cards issuance. Integration with the largest trading platforms (such as eBay and Amazon).
Read Whitepaperhttps://ecoinomic.net/docs/whitepaper – Learn more about eCoinomic platform.
Top 6 strong points of the eCoinomic platform
Multicurrency – The eCoinomic platform will accept as collateral : BTC, ETH, LCH, BCH + TOP10 cryptocurrencies. Loans will be issued in: USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, CHF, CNY.
Fiat money transaction speed – With the help of the built-in payment agent, the crediting time for fiat funds will only take several minutes.
Price monitoring system – The system checks collateral value every minute based on the data from several crypto exchanges.
Security and transparency – Smart contracts regulate the procedures of blocking, returning or liquidating collateral assets.
Insurance reserve fund – It is designed to enhance the attractiveness of the project for large and small investors.
Fully functional alpha version – Will be available for testing after the Pre-Sale.
For crypto owners
  • who purchased cryptocurrency as average and long-term investment expecting a high growth rate;
  • who received crypto assets as payment for goods and services (e.g. miners);
  • startups and funds who need short-term fiat funds;
For investors
  • Private sector investors who allocate monetary resources for the purpose of generating income;
  • Institutional investors who are interested in high profitability and low risk instruments.
How it works
Successfull Loan Closure
Unclosed Loan
ICO projects
eCoinomic.net wants to stress out that, in contrast with the most ICO projects, we do not intend to spend all of the funds we attract during the sale :
  • 81% of funds gathered during the Token Sale Reserve stage is to be allocated to the Reserve only and will not be spent.
  • 10% will be used to cover operational expenses of the platform before it becomes profitable.
  • 9% will be used to cover marketing expenses for platform promotion.

For more information,follow us on : 


Selasa, 24 Juli 2018

Manfaat Online.io

Tujuan utama Online.io adalah untuk menemukan kembali pengalaman World Wide Web dengan menempatkan privasi orang sebagai prioritas utama mereka, sehingga menawarkan Internet yang lebih aman, tidak dapat dilacak, tanpa malware dan bebas iklan.

Lembaga-lembaga pemerintah dan perusahaan-perusahaan Internet besar yang akan tetap tidak disebutkan namanya berkembang pada pelacakan setiap langkah kami! Hanya bersama Online.io dapat menempatkan STOP untuk ini! Saat ini situs web penuh dengan iklan yang mencoba untuk menjual sesuatu yang menurut mereka kita perlukan dengan menciptakan pengalaman penelusuran yang tidak ramah dan mengganggu. Selain itu, banyak dari mereka yang menyembunyikan malware, iklan scammy, atau skrip pertambangan. Platform Online.io bertujuan untuk membuat perubahan Internet yang inovatif, dengan merevolusi pengalaman browsing dan membuatnya lebih cepat, tidak dapat dilacak, tanpa malware dan bebas iklan. Operator situs web mencapai sejumlah besar pendapatan dari iklan, yang dapat diubah dengan menerapkan solusi Online.io berdasarkan teknologi Blockchain yang sangat skalabel, transparan, dan bertanggung jawab penuh, yang akan memastikan mereka mendapatkan pembayaran yang adil berdasarkan jumlah pengunjung, waktu yang dihabiskan di laman mereka dan kerja sama dengan situs, menciptakan lingkungan yang lebih pas untuk kualitas, dibandingkan dengan laman web yang didorong oleh spam yang berisi spam.

Ringkasan Ekosistem
Platform Online.io mengkonfirmasi pengguna pengalaman daring yang aman, pribadi, dan iklan gratis, sambil juga menawarkan operator situs web aliran pendapatan baru.

Bagaimana cara kerjanya?
Setiap konten yang disajikan oleh browser Internet memakan kekuatan dan data pemrosesan. Meskipun beberapa iklan daring kecil dan tidak relevan, yang lain mengambil lebih banyak data daripada konten yang sebenarnya ingin diakses oleh pengguna. Ini memperlambat pengalaman browsing. Online.io akan memotong semua itu, yang akan mengarah pada pengalaman yang lebih halus. Pengguna juga tidak perlu repot-repot tentang data mereka ditangkap dan digunakan untuk tujuan di luar kendali mereka, karena enkripsi blockchain akan mengamankan bahwa data mereka dilindungi. Fitur yang sangat berguna dari platform Online.io adalah pengguna akan memilih situs web dengan menggunakan sistem pemungutan suara berdasarkan 1 hingga 5 bintang. Bintang-bintang kemudian akan dikonversi berdasarkan rumus algoritmik dalam Peringkat Kepercayaan yang akan menjadi indikasi kualitas setiap situs web, yang diberikan oleh pengunjungnya. Ini akan memandu ke peringkat situs web yang lebih mencerminkan pendapat umum. Ini akan, pada gilirannya, memberi insentif kepada operator situs web untuk mengoptimalkan situs web mereka untuk mengembangkan pengalaman pengguna. Fakta bahwa situs web akan dihargai berdasarkan pada seberapa banyak situs web mereka dikunjungi dan terlibat dengan juga akan melemahkan situs web spam. Yang terpenting, semua orang akan mendapat manfaat dari pengalaman penjelajahan bebas iklan, aman, dan pribadi dari Online.io.

Fitur utama

Platform Online.io
Perangkat lunak berbahaya adalah aplikasi yang dibuat untuk tujuan buruk tertentu. Sebagian besar aplikasi yang ada dibuat untuk keperluan umum sementara beberapa aplikasi memiliki fitur tersembunyi yang tidak melakukan apa yang diasumsikan, tetapi pada kenyataannya, tujuannya adalah untuk menemukan, mencuri atau menghancurkan file, melacak data apa pun, atau hanya mengganggu pengguna. Ini dimulai sejak lama: virus komputer pertama disebut Elk Cloner dan pertama kali ditemukan pada Mac pada tahun 1982. Lebih dari 10 tahun yang lalu jenis malware baru muncul dan itu disebut Adware. Itu didistribusikan melalui lubang keamanan di Windows XP dan Internet Explorer. Adware juga dapat memanfaatkan lubang keamanan di Java dan Flash player atau bahkan di JavaScript. Tetapi mengapa pengembang membuat adware? Alasan utamanya adalah monetisasi, tentu saja. Adware apa pun yang mampu menyematkan iklan berbayar mendatangkan keuntungan besar bagi pemiliknya. Mulai dari iklan pop-up, bilah alat browser yang disematkan, pencarian pembajakan, dll. Bagaimana Online.io menghentikan segala jenis malware dari yang dibuat? Mereka dapat menghentikan / mengubah monetisasi dan membuat pembuatan malware menjadi kurang menarik.

Manfaat Online.io
Untuk pengguna akhir -

Bebas iklan
Tidak ada malware
Tidak dapat dilacak
Komunitas situs web tepercaya
Untuk operator web -

Peningkatan kualitas halaman web
Peningkatan waktu buka dan bandwidth
Pendapatan keuangan baru dan tidak terjamah
Solusi Online (OIO) untuk Masalah


Alokasi Token
5% token OIO akan disediakan untuk penasihat mitra
10% token OIO akan dialokasikan untuk tujuan pemasaran & kesetiaan
15% dari total token OIO akan disediakan untuk perusahaan
70% akan didistribusikan ke komunitas OIO
Peristiwa Token Generasi (TGE)
Tanggal mulai Pre Sale: 15 Juni 2018
Tanggal mulai umum: 10 Juli 2018
TGE tanggal akhir 31 Juli 2018
Max OIO token 2.500.000.000
Harga token OIO $ 0,04
Soft cap: $ 5.000.000
Hard cap: $ 50.000.000
Mekanika Token
15 Juni - 19 Juni - 25% Bonus
20 Juni - 24 Juni - 20% Bonus
25 Juni - 29 Juni - 15% Bonus
30 Juni - 4 Juli - Bonus 10%
5 Juli - 9 Juli - 5% Bonus
10 Juli - 31 Juli - Tanpa Bonus

Bockchain Perkembangan Saat Ini dan Masa Depan

Setiap sistem terdistribusi membutuhkan algoritme konsensus untuk memverifikasi transaksi. Selama beberapa tahun terakhir, algoritma Proof-of-Work mendominasi, bukan hanya satu-satunya yang digunakan. Ketika ekosistem cryptocurrency berevolusi - perlombaan untuk menciptakan algoritme konsensus yang lebih baik dimulai. Tahun saat ini dapat menjadi tahun persaingan antara berbagai algoritma / strategi penambangan. Strategi berikut saat ini paling banyak dikenal:

Proof of of work (PoW) - Koin didistribusikan berdasarkan pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh pengguna untuk menunjukkan masukannya pada transaksi pemrosesan dan melakukan pekerjaan untuk keseluruhan infrastruktur. Ini adalah grup algoritme yang memberikan penghitungan lambat atas beberapa hasil dan verifikasi cepat dari hasil ini.

Proof of of stake (PoS) - Koin didistribusikan berdasarkan investasi sebelumnya dari pengguna. Semakin banyak investasi, seorang pengguna memiliki lebih banyak koin yang akan ia terima.
Bukti waktu berlalu (Poet) - Ini adalah konsep yang relatif baru. Koin didistribusikan berdasarkan bukti bahwa pengguna melakukan beberapa tindakan spesifik untuk jangka waktu yang cukup lama. Bukti algoritma waktu diciptakan oleh Intel dan terutama terkait dengan platform perangkat keras mereka yang menyediakan model konsensus yang sangat cepat. Ini menghasilkan angka acak (waktu tunggu) di node penambang dan kemudian memilih node dengan angka terendah. Jadi, ini berfungsi seperti lotere tetapi dengan algoritme yang lebih kompleks yang dirancang untuk memberikan lebih banyak pengoptimalan. Intel menjanjikan bahwa algoritma ini tidak dapat dipatahkan oleh tindakan eksternal dan menyediakan model konsensus yang jujur. Hal ini menjadikan Poet sempurna untuk Blockchain pribadi saat kami membutuhkan penyimpanan terdistribusi yang berperforma dan tidak ingin memaksa perangkat keras kami untuk membuat komputasi yang rumit.


Situs web: https://online.io/
Buku putih: https://online.io/download/OIO-Whitepaper.pdf
JN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3452258
Telegram: https://t.me/OnlineIO
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Online.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OnlineIO_


Jumat, 20 Juli 2018

UBCOIN markertplace product


Ubcoin Market solves several problems the crypto community faces at the moment. For token holders this peer-to-peer ecosystem becomes a platform for spending the cryptocurrency. Ubcoin Market allows them to pay for the goods with no need of fiat money exchange. This ecosystem creates the platform where people who cannot use the cryptocurrencies due to the legislation manners can find a use for their wealth.
Cryptocurrency has become the currency of people who love simplicity and transparency. With its introduction in the year 2008, it has come a long way. Being able to present solid real-life applications for the users across the world is the ultimate aim of the many of the platform working in the cryptocurrency space. It has become the next billion dollar idea for venture capitalists to invest in the cryptocurrency based startups. And, mainly people are the biggest driving force in the community. But, many of the challenges are still present in the industry and they have to be overcome before the real story of cryptocurrency can begin
The platform also provides users with an opportunity to enter the crypto world in a very safe and simple way. Lots of people are interested in becoming cryptocurrency investors especially when they see the various examples of making fortune of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. However, the process seems to be complicated. Changing fiat money to cryptocurrencies is not always easy and may turn out to be a risky business for a novice in the field. Ubcoin Market offers a simple way to enter the sphere – and to get rid of the goods which are no longer needed at the same time.
UBCOIN markertplace product
  • Product Value Foundation
    Our product is founded on the following cornerstones: Cryptocurrency mass adoption. We promote mass adoption of digital assets that are both a means of settlement and an investment vehicle, thereby enlarging benefits for all parties to everyday buy-and-sell interactions.
  • Peer-to-peer interaction. Cut out as many intermediaries from the value chain, as possible. The platform facilitates smart contract execution between independent parties. The Ubcoin Marketplace does not own any goods for sale, it is not biased in its search results, and protects fairness of smart contracts.
  • Legal marketplace. We pay special attention to ensuring the legitimacy of goods and services sold on the Ubcoin marketplace. We are developing an advanced AI technology to help pre-screen seller postings for any potential infringements of reason, morality, safety and due care. Seller profile transparency and verification will be strongly encouraged and promoted.
  • Decentralization of transactions and settlements. Blockchain allows for decentralized initiation, settlement and fulfillment of transactions. Payments are immediate upon performance under carefully crafted smart contracts.
  • Impeccable interface. Our interface design brings a harmonious and seamless experience of buying and selling goods globally. We will strive to open our API to the community in order to develop the best adaptation of the platforms for
    specific local needs of the global community.
  • Open community. Some transactions may, in the future, require additional KYC/AML procedures for execution of smart contracts for certain types of deals involving third-party providers (i.e. delivery companies, couriers, notaries). Ubcoin platform envisions seamless engagement of these parties.

Many people want a simple and safe way to obtain a stake in cryptocurrency, but do not know how. They are not miners, not speculators, just individuals who see added value in investing in cryptocurrency. The number of cryptocurrency owners is projected to increase from a current 22 million to over 200 million by 2020.
Yet these same people are very comfortable with buying and selling on Ebay, Amazon, WeChat, Etsy, Taobao and the like. In 2016, marketplaces accounted for 44% of the world’s $2.44 trillion spent online in 2016.
Cryptocurrency wallets are primarily concentrated on mobile devices, with over 65% of wallets being mobile. Global smartphone penetration is projected to reach 37% by 2020.
Global population of digital buyers will surpass 2 billion people by 2020.

Ubcoin Market is a blockchain project developing a smart ecosystem for easily investing and exiting cryptocurrency by buying and selling goods and services. Ubcoin Market was founded by the same team that founded Ubank, the leading mobile payments app in Eastern Europe that, as of today, has 2.5 million active users , more than 16 million downloads around the world, and has been pre-installed by Samsung and Fly.

The new Ubcoin features of Ubank app include the following:
Storefront Section:
• Product categories screens;
• Product description screens;
• Smart-search engine with relevance algorithms based on search string, geography,
product descriptions, user reviews and ratings, and prices;
• AI-based engine for pre-screening user po
sts, product descriptions, visual and
video content.
Seller Account Management Section:
• Easy-to-use tools for creating and managing sale posts;
• Tools for promoting and targeting posted ads;
• Ad stats (views, clicks, conversions, reviews etc.);
• Terms of sale and payment management screens;
• Seller’s cryptowallet;
• Review management screens;
Token - UBC
Private pre-seyel - March 10 - March 31, 2018 (for investors from 5 ETH and more)
Token-Seleur - April 2 - May 31, 2018
Price of the token - 0.000089 ETH
The minimum amount of fees is 2 000 ETH
The maximum amount of fees is 179 000 ETH
Created tokens - 4 000 000 000 UBC
Website: https://ubcoin.io/
Whitepaper: http://doc.ubcoin.io/whitepaper.pdf?v1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ubcoinmarket/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ubcoin
Telegram: https://t.me/ubcoin
Medium: https://medium.com/@ubcoin

Post the job offer directly on our beautiful designed Mycro app and we make sure you will be quickly connected with a community membe...